

To speak, act, or think negatively about someone else solely based on their color, class, or culture.


Unmerited favor on the human race that we don’t deserve, cannot earn, and cannot repay.


Extending positive favor to other people regardless of, and sometimes because of, their color, class, or culture.

The Eight Sayings of a Gracist

1. I will lift you up ​

Lifting up the humble among us by assisting and elevating them toward success

2. I will cover you

Protecting the most vulnerable among us from embarrassment and harm

3. I will share with you

Opening up networks and resources to others who are systematically downtrodden, and refusing special treatment that may hurt them

4. I will honor you

Recognizing those who are the most humble heroes among us regardless of color, class, and culture

5. I will stand with you

Committing to stand with the weak… the majority committing to stand up for, and with the minority

6. I will consider you

Having equal concern for our neighbors regardless of color, class or culture by considering their perspectives and needs

7. I will celebrate with you

Rejoicing when the humble and less fortunate among us are helped

8. I will heal with you

Empathizing with the pain of another and walking empathetically with the injured party.

About Gracism Global

Gracism Global is a go-to resource for leaders that have decided to bridge the deep divides of color, class, and culture in their industries. Gracism grew as a global force against racism as Dr. David Anderson aligned his 30 years of experience helping organizations, governments, ministries, and fortune 100 companies grow in their multicultural effectiveness.

Specializing in equipping top-level executives in personal and professional transformation, Gracism Global has brought hope and healing to communities across Africa, Asia, Europe, and the Middle East, as well as in North America, including work in Ferguson, Missouri, and Baltimore, Maryland at the peak of their civil unrest.

Gracism Global continues this work today as leaders around the world join our network of executive practitioners who boldly and humbly enter this work of racial healing.

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